Mobile Apps Growing Even In Crises

Today, when the economy hit a collapse due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still some companies that are booming, such as delivery applications and e-commerce companies. The epidemic has forced people to stay indoors as much as possible, and that gave rise to the use of delivery applications and e-commerce applications such as Amazon. buying habits have changed. For example, with a myriad of food chains for take-out only, people are always ready to order, rather than leave their homes.



Mobile Apps Growing Even In Crises

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one can not contract COVID food. And the supply contract can be supported with appropriate measures in place. The current situation has increased the need for applications such as Zomato, Swiggy, Instacart, Ubereats, Doordash.


Therefore, if you are a service provider, to learn how to build such applications is a huge opportunity. The problems of demand for supply, shop hours, labor, and logistics, can disappear if you start an application delivery of your product or service.


In this article, we will focus on how the demand for mobile applications has been a major use during this unprecedented crisis.


Type Mobile Apps Grossing more than ever:


The food delivery application has experienced significant growth over the crisis. We need food to survive. The best way to get the food home, without leaving home, is through the application of delivery. While the world worries COVID contracted, and the best way to stay safe is by crossing paths with fewer people. Food chains like Dominos and others follow a contactless delivery option, which makes it easier for us. Globally, applications like Instacart and Walmart, have observed a wide download list in the middle of the pandemic. We must remember the days when the Food application Delivery was a luxury and became a necessity.


E-Learning Applications


Looking at the scenario, school is no exception. COVID did not prevent students from learning. The platforms E-learning helped schools offer online sessions to teach remote students. Online conferences were held on Zoom, Skype, or other platforms video calls. The education sector has a new digital platform, from tutorials, submission of tests, and examinations. It seems that Covid-19 transformed the culture of education forever.


Health & Wellbeing Apps


When the gyms closed during these moments there, the only way to keep our health and fitness is health and fitness Apps. Our physical movements deteriorated during this period; sitting at home can make us lose our minds. While gyms are beginning to reopen in a month or two, people will not go because gyms and fitness centers are safer options. Fitness applications help people manage their well-being, and thus promoting a healthy lifestyle. These applications also show the number of steps walked, calories lost, and keep perfect track of our health.


Social Media Applications


social media applications seem to be one of the most important. Humans are social animals, and we long for human association. This crisis has deprived us of this facility. However, social media applications allow us to stay in touch with friends and family. These applications keep us informed of what is happening in the world.


social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, and others are actively used. Send SMS, chat, or video calls have increased steadily since the beginning. Our lives have become more accessible through these social platforms where celebrities and other artists entertain and motivate us.


Entertainment Apps


The best TV shows and movies on live applications helped us to fight boredom during the lockdown. Applications such as Netflix, Spotify, Google Play, YouTube, Amazon Prime, and others have observed a surprising spike. Children and adults use gaming applications as PubG King and Ludo to keep them happy. Most of all, new applications such as the BBC, CNN, Apple News, and others got serious attention because of what is happening worldwide. People want to stay updated on the latest news Covid-19. They want to know the latest rules lock-down security measures, and speech Prime Minister. However, entertainment applications may have helped move the spirit of COVID-19.


E-Payment Apps


The online payment method used culminated when people are reluctant to visit banks or meet people to borrow or receive money. The methods of digital payment faced financial transactions effectively. There are not only banking applications but also applications such as Paypal, Paytm, Google Pay, and others, making it easier to conduct transactions with others. It has become easy with QR codes; you need to enter the OTP or scan the barcode to pay or receive. The contactless payment method has cleared the tension of our minds and helped us take all precautionary measures in place. Moreover, app development companies play a crucial role in securing our accounts and data.




The new coronavirus pandemic has deciphered the true potential of digital platforms. Not only adults, but the older generation now know the importance of smartphones and mobile applications. It not only allowed us to meet our daily needs, but also entertain us, and provided a platform for human connection. We used to talk about how social media applications have divided us by constant use. But it is now that we realize that it is through these online platforms that we have not lost our sanity. Companies allowed to work from home for their employees and hold meetings via Zoom. Apps like Amazon, Swiggy Zomato and have shown initiative to determine the needs of their customers and thus provide essential services through implementation.


While the economy has significantly impacted, you can take this opportunity to develop your application and provide jobs for the people, which will benefit both you and the economy. There is room for more business in this industry. If you plan to launch digital services is the best time to enter the market. Therefore, it is time to get on your toes because the world will head towards digitalization.


Are you looking for the best Mobile app development company in India for your business app development? DxMinds Innovation Labs is one of the leading mobile app development company in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, and India. We have years of experience in creating applications on various platforms. To know more info about our company visits our Portfolio.


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